Celebration of Life Tour
Potsdam, Germany
Berlin, Germany
A twelve hour (mostly) uneventful train ride brought us to Berlin, via Verona, Italy and Munich, Austria. I say mostly uneventful because our streak of railroad problems did have another addition to the list when we boarded the train for Verona. We asked at least three different individuals which train we could take with our general boarding ticket for Verona. We picked a train and, halfway there learned we had selected the only train of the day that our ticket was not valid for. Fortunately the ticket guy took pity on us poor tourists and only charged us the difference between what our ticket was good for and the high speed limited train we had selected, without the added penalty he was authorized to charge. Oh well, the streak continues... The rest of the trip continued uneventfully. It was pretty cool to see Innsbruck, the site of the 1964 and 1976 winter Olympics. Oh, and we very nearly got off the train a stop early in Munich, which would have caused us to miss our train to Berlin. Train drama is so exhausting...
We tacked Berlin onto the end of this adventure for the opportunity to visit with family for a few days. We did manage to squeeze a little siteseeing. I didn't add a lot of titles or captions in the museum pages. They're fun to look at, but the details are overwhelming:
- Potsdam
- Pergamon
- Museum of German History
- odds and ends around Berlin
Historic Sanssouci Windmill
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