The city of Portland, Oregon, owns several rather significant steam engines. They are maintained by volunteer groups of citizens. For the most part they remain hidden away in the Brooklyn Yard Roundhouse on BNSF property. Every so often they come out for some special event. This particular weekend both the SP&S 700 and the SP 4449 were out and about. The 700 was returning from a private event in Vancouver, Wa. and the 4449 was running Christmas revelers back and forth between Oak Park and OMSI for the annual Oregon Rail Heratige Foundation fund raiser. We went to see and photograph the 4449, not expecting to find the 700 parked at OMSI as well. We took a tour of the cab, took a few pictures, then walked down the tracks to see the 4449 drive by. It was unusual to see two of the world's largest existing operational steam engines. I took a 3D picture as well.