1. got my attention...
2. Sun still hidden by clouds on the horizon
3. Looks like our first nice day since we arrived!
4. Birds everywhere...
5. Sulfur Flats putting on a show in the crisp morning air
6. Looking back at our hotel
7. Steam and Clouds - Sulfur Flats and Lake Rotorua
8. Steam and Clouds - Sulfur Flats and Lake Rotorua
9. Steam and Clouds - Sulfur Flats and Lake Rotorua
10. Sulfur Flats and Lake Rotorua
11. Sulfur Flats - Rotorua
12. a most scenic location for a discarded tire, don't you think?
13. More geothermal activity under blue skies - Rotorua, New Zealand
14. More geothermal activity under blue skies - Rotorua, New Zealand
15. More geothermal activity under blue skies - Rotorua, New Zealand
16. Looking back towards town - Our hotel on the left, Bath House (Rotorua Museum of Art & History) on the right
17. Lake Plaza Hotel